Thursday, October 1, 2009

Juan Casas

Hey Mollz,

so last night was @ bye and bye consuming hot toddies per dr.'s orders and inquired re: artist of moto piece-- Juan Casas is the name. Went to bed excited about googling him, came to work to do so and don't if I'd had much luck. Apparently there's an artist named Juan Casas who was born in Spain and works in realistic portraits w. ballpoint pen. awesome stuff.
BUT the Juan Casas who did the moto piece WORKS at the Bye and Bye. And has done all the cool art in there, according to bartender with neck tats. So, thats all the news re: that piece. I will keep you up to date on more info as it comes along... will listen for Spanish accent while at the bar.


  1. oooh thanks for letting me know, I will do some research too - I want to try to find an image of it to show my bro, literally, my brother.

    Oooh and neck tats. Get digits!

  2. forgot to mention that this Juan character makes me want to like stop making arts. cause his stuff is so good. that DeNiro piece is amazing. it's like the most awesome painting I've ever experienced with my own eyes. If he ever googles himself, I hope he sees this. JUAN CASAS PORTLAND ART
