Tuesday, October 13, 2009


just saw via the fbook your car was vadalized! shit. that sucks. people are absolute idiots.

But this is cool, so i thought Id share with you, from the AV Club: Rauschenberg!


  1. Dude. Fucking sucks. Rimas (Danielles friend from Portland who was visiting) got all his shit took. I want to make a passive agressive / PSA about not leaving shit in your car / shattering glass something --- poster and post it all over east Austin... ideas??

  2. I'm all for iconic people... it would be cool to use saddam's image with text being like "don't fucking do that shit" or something. in stencils and neon paper. umm actually kinda wanna design it and send to you?

  3. Dude. Please do! I'll print it. Torys idea was some quote from Harry Potter : Constant Vigilance!!
