they look like h3ll@ l@m3 tw33ns
"Every day, u have the opportunity to brand yourself–you have the opportunity to let the world know that you are a person, and within this person is a brand which the whole world can consume."
Today I had a "meeting" and we drank champagne! I was in the back hoping no one would notice I kept refilling my tiny plastic glass. then the full-timers were complaining about how annoying their health insurance plan is. Fuck you, bros. I have to avoid tween moshers when I go out cause I can't afford to get my face broke.
Have you
read this? The writing is kinda boring/ self-important, actually, but it's fun to see what they thought. Haven't gotten to number one yet. Need to print out food stampz form before I do. Kill me.
This is what P4k says about "Galang":
Forget the Grammys-- what M.I.A. really deserves recognition for is her unwavering dedication to the onomatopoeic and the staccato; the hard consonant and the long vowel; the simple pleasure-giving properties of words. "Galang" may be patois for "go on," but the word's real currency, she suggests, is in its stackability, the way it piles on top of itself to galang-a-lang-a-lang. A similar feeling-over-meaning instinct informed many of her future artistic choices, including those related to the complicated and not easily untangled circumstances of the Sri Lankan civil war. Despite its artist-conferred status as protest music, the video for "Galang" features M.I.A. dancing in a stylized wonderland of neon-bright graffitied iconography (bombs, tigers, machine guns) that wears insurgency and inequality like fashion. To a continent that's often guilty of doing exactly that, "Galang" rang to some as troublesome, a criticism that M.I.A. forcefully rejected without ever convincingly explaining away. This willful conflation of style and substance-- and a stubborn refusal to separate one from the other-- has become a constant in her career. It's what makes her relevant and worthy of thought and discussion, and it began here.
Hell yes. she is our Spirit animal. (lots of people probably think that, but they don't really "get it")
I've made a bunch of postcards with those back-of-the-free newsweekly ads of transsexual prostitutes. I don't know if they'll even be delivered, since the USPS is government-owned, and I'm not sure if they like transsexual prostitutes.
Today I saw a bunch of people protesting Pell Grants or something, saying that education without guaranteed jobs is fraud. I'm confused. They didn't look like they had the capacity for irony, although that would be a cool project. We should do that. But I wanted to be like, no shit, bros. Market is saturated with "grads" who have "learned things" and have nothing to apply it to. Some guy I work with was a "linguistics major." Probably thought he was gonna be the next Noam Chomsky and now does menial tasks for low wages. Ho hum.
Welp all the bosses are gone so it's time for me to make use of the color copier! Hell yes. Justifying my existence one stolen good at a time.
have fun with yr tacos......... save me some or somethin!