Some people get really excited about "long weekends," but that's because their lives suck five days a week. Since I am fortunate to be a part-time employee, every weekend is labor day weekend! Score! Saturday night involved spilling a slurpee down myself inside the 7-11 after getting drunk (redundant, obviously) and getting into an argument with a hot bro i would have otherwise made out with about strip clubs. Wish I didn't have to regret opening my large mouth and therefore offending bro sensibilities of bros. Oh welp! He makes his own beer which i then consumed a lot of, smoked some sort-of legal things, while listening to the velvet underground, and like, getting it, then passing out face down on the futon. 24 and so much more, indeed.
next morning went to an ice cream social at trader joes (children= dumb), bought a basil plant, then sought refuge from binge drinking and humanity with my new best friends, the National Geographic society and their fine, full color periodicals of yesteryear. Convinced myself completely that I am weeks/a couple glue sticks away from being wildly successful and acclaimed and will stop having to explain to my parents why I'm not looking for full time employment. Will try to get my hands on a scanner and send you pixxx.... until then, I think of you when i crack a PBR, and pour some out for you... down my throat.
anyway, work makes me want to off myself, per usu. so fucking dumb. i resent the world when i sit here. don't know what that means. also: facebook quizzes? What the fuck? If you spend most of your waking hours determining Which Rihanna's Haircut you are, why would you want everyone you know to know? I don't understand.
mmmkk!!!!!!!!!111111111 ttys.
drunk slurp33s! Why didn't I think of that?! Tonight is taco night in Austin, texas and I wish you were here for it. I will eat a taco for you, and that is DEFINITELY an innuendo.