so I'm sitting at work right now and pretty excited that this gives me something else to do with my semi-miserable existence as willing-by-default component of the lumbering beast that is modern capitalism... just had a meeting with my "boss" about "work" and I can barely keep a straight face while pretending like I do anything other than set up blogs and play facebook scrabble. But it's ok because I like to think I get paid to read blogs like this one and write blogs like this one. Via getting paid for being me.
So my boss, who we'll call "Dennis," because that's his name, is one of those guys who "majored in doing nothing besides getting a job with a company that will pay him mediocre wages for just the cost of his existence" is now working at my "non-profit that isn't really a non-profit" and thinks he's "doing good." He also is the kind of guy that still follows the football team of his big ten university and refers to the team as "we" and "us." I will probably get fired for writing this, if there is anything good and true in the world. So I spend all day "working on my book" and using the color printer for my own purposes and I'm just like "Um, Dennis, tryna experience something real over here" and he's like, "oh, ok, that's cool. Thanks for all your help and really being a valuable part of the team."
Meanwhile trying to kick the sauce to no avail... wish we were still in the rabbit hole drowning in PBR.
Still think we should/can get paid for being us.
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