or maybe its the other way around... Ima figure that out and get back to ya.
HRO covered the celeb scene, and now I wish I had better documented the before and after of the band trailers.... they woulda been epic. But something about possessing a picture of Julezs' entourages' shit filled toilet, just seems like 2 much.
Here are some pics, and I'll write more when I process the ridiculousness that is California, indie music, celebrity, and attempts at authentic alt-ness.
my piece for the avett bros. they seem like such nice boys. but its really not fair that some people get looks AND talent...when some of us get none.
pashy pits trailer. apparently they're really into the aquabats... don't really 'get it'
your avett bros piece looks so. fucking. awesome. love it. also creamed my jeans over actual picture of my actual piece in jules' actual trailer.