Friday, June 17, 2011

This guy "GETS ME!"

Srsly, this guy gets it - has women figured out. Or at least me!


  1. haaaa i hate gavin mcginnes with the passion of 10000 suns, he's an arrogant self-loathing prick who is making the world once again a safe-space for misogyny and his douchey, veiled conservatism. I hope his dick falls off and/or that he dies in a plane crash caused by the saudis, whose disgustingly oppressive sexism Gavin supports.

  2. I think he makes some good points in this article -- albeit not very PCily..but I'm fine with that. I am all for equality for women in many many aspects of daily life -- but I realize more and more every day that, generally speaking, men and women are NOT the same -- I'm not talking about gender and constructs here -- I'm talking biological here -- I have thoughts like "i feel fat today and what if --- boy leaves me because i look gross" I guarantee said boy has never thought that ... because frankly... he's usually pretty gross.. thats all. And Gavin makes the very very valid point -- only about 1% of the time is it EVER appropriate to send a girl a dick shot. PERIOD.
