Sunday, February 28, 2010

RE: lost generationz

defeated? resigned? no fuckin way, broad.

"Mothers, don’t let your children grow up to be hipsters. We are a lost generation, desperately clinging to anything that feels real, but too afraid to become it ourselves. We are a defeated generation, resigned to the hypocrisy of those before us, who once sang songs of rebellion and now sell them back to us. We are the last generation, a culmination of all previous things, destroyed by the vapidity that surrounds us. The hipster represents the end of Western civilization – a culture so detached and disconnected that it has stopped giving birth to anything new."

I used to believe this, that our world was over and we were nothing but vultures picking at its rotting corpse... but I really don't anymore. The things that have formed our culture might be dead and dying-- sincerity, huge record labels, hypercapitalism, etc, but there are new, better things popping up in their stead. Self-awareness, self-distribution and small, community oriented projects are growing out of the ashes of those bloated tenets of our modern era.

I don't really know what hipster means in 2010, but in 1959 it meant someone who listened to jazz, liked drugs and wrote/read things that used the word "fuck." I have a feeling that when we say hipster we mean people who listen to noise/folk/punk/jazz, like drugs and read/write things that use the word "fuck." In much of the discourse that labels itself "concerned with American ideals", you'll come across phrases like "standing for something", "hard work" and talk of "freedom" "bravery" and "prosperity." Simultaneously, you'll notice that our armed forces kill civilians around the world with a frequency that suggests they enjoy it, while our elected officials have left a fifth of the children in their own country to live in poverty. And this is largely thanks to that "peace and love" generation who later built corporate America over former farms and forests and parked their SUVs in the driveway.

So if we are defeated, it's because we recognize the gross mismanagement of funds and passion by the people who call themselves leaders of the free world, and if we are destroyed it's because we don't know how to change that. Instead, we throw pebbles into the void, listen to noise/folk/punk/jazz, like drugs and read/write things that use the word "fuck." The more people who opt out of our modern corporate nightmare, the fewer bombs dropped in its name. "Hipsters" might not "stand for anything," but they've got my vote.

Monday, February 15, 2010

s00000 ghey for these bros

[when i was younger, i wanted to have 5 kids and name them for each member of the strokes. nick and nicolai could get confusing.]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Creative powers unite!!!

Check out this band
and let me know what you think. They requested a tshirt
design from me and I read their band name came from a
James Joyce album. So of course I turned to you, my most
literary of friends, for help... Any imagery / ideas
you can throw my way. And of course any money / fame that
comes my way as a result, I will split with you 50 / 50 .

So far my only idea is a shirt that says "cookies are never
a bad idea"
Feb 4th Entry


Sunday, February 7, 2010

teh strokezz

Gavin McInnes from street carnage tells the strokes haterz to fuck off:

I personally never understood someone complaining about someone else having money. Music snobs vilified The Strokes because they came from money. The singer’s father owns a modeling agency and therefore their songs suck. The people who did this complaining were middle class kids from small town America who moved to New York for exactly the kind of scene The Strokes created. The real beef with these bands is “They made something and I didn’t so they must have cheated.”


still don't get Vampire Weekend though.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Azn Caucazn?

I just ordered a delicious bahn mi sandwich from a food cart across from my work. And couldn't help but notice the description of the French colonization of Vietnam as creating the tastiest sandwich on earth.... Is it wrong to eat bahn mi?! Am I legitimizing white dudz with money and their quest to impose their douche bag-ery ways on the rest of the lowly world? Is this a slippery slope I'm falling down? Will I be dating a d00d in Ed Hardy next week? And shooting mixd cocktail shots at Lanai Rooftop Lounge? (pictured above in all its douchey glory.) I need help Emz....