I'm listening to KOOP radio, the community run radio station here in Austin. Its country hour. But not like Miley Cyrus tevs busho country, real good ole boy- I live in the country type music. It makes me want to pick up an acoustic geetar or fiddle and make sing some toones about what I learned "Out Behind the Barn." Those people didn't know it but they were livin, experiencing something real. (haha the dj old timer just said "theres too many words in them letterz")
Which I've been thinking about alot. Yesterday I got up and came to work, worked the whole time, went to Hobby Lobby, went home and immediately starting crankin' out wedding hair pieces, then cranked out some design for my cuz, played about 30 minutes of disastrous Donkey Kong then passed out about 1:30am. Felt so good to like be productive. Put something into this world. Even menial. And I still had two beerz while I was making hair pieces, and still got to hang with some friends during my short but exciting venture into the world of video games. I guess what I'm realizing is I can still do those things I like and want to do (drink/hard sittin') but can be productive as well - and being productive always makes me feel like I'm experiencin something real. Because what else can you do except make shit that either you'll be remembered for makin' it, or will get left behind after you off yourself on the eve of your 30th birthday so people have to remember you? Its giving me some drive to make shit happen - if for no other reason than its the only way I know how to recreate the
feeling of that ole Tommy Collins song "You Oughta See Pickles Now" (Check it out!)
Also. I forgot to add into my schedule last night - I drove by my friend Liz's to give her the "I want beard burn" magnet. Did you scan that? I might have to get it back and scan it just because its sooo great. She really wants to make stickers of it, so I was thinking of scanning it anyway to get pirnt it as stickers. I think you can get sticker paper and pirnt it on my laser pirnter that I finally got workin' since Portland. If you ever see cheap stacks of label paper at Scrap let me know. Man I gotta find a Scrap equivalent here in Austin. There's bound to be one. If not, I'm starting it! Oh man that would go over so well. They probably don't make bank but I bet they make some dollars. Everyone is volunteers and all that shit is donated. That could be a really fun venture.
Also. I gotta get you a digi because I really want to try to get a pic of that painting at the bye and bye. I can't find this Juan character on the netz and my bro (literally) really wants a GIANT painting for his new condo and will pay. BIG. Like the painting will be at least 6ft by something tall. I may have to get you to help me. I'm trying to work out sketches now.
girlllllll. yes to scrap in ATX. rlly wanna start that like everywhere. ALSO major yes to printing stickers of that! SRSLY!!!! I will look for sticky paper! I was just thinkin bout that today... like how creating stuff is how to like prevent mortality, or reckon with it or something. NE WAYZ yeah stickers would be s000000 tight and like a social movement as chill bro-ads to be like BROS! MAKE OUT WITH US! ya know? yeaaaah just like getting more people made out with, one bro/ad at a time.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, GRIZZ BROS PLAYIN HERE TONIGHT AND THERE ARE STILL TIX LEFT. its gonna be like 2 weeks of groceries but s000 worth it. I will call you this weekend! !!!! lets like take over shit and stuff. xxxxxxx
I'm gonna look fo some sticker paper this weekend. Maybe I should start small. Like just a weekend SCRAP outta my garage or sumthin and let it grow natch.
ReplyDeleteI love that mission: Getting peeps made out with one beard at a time!! Sounds familiar: Cher's main thrill in life is a makeover. It gives her a sense of control in a world full of chaos!
DOOD> go to griz bros! heard a bit of them the other weekend while I was seeing Felice Bros. Sounded good but ultimately those NY country boys with a fiddle and washboard won me over. Talk about GRIZZLY - beards that is. mmmmmmm.
the revolution will be made out with.
ReplyDeletestkr paper-- totally! yes. lemme know how that works out! could be on to something real.
grizz bros-- kinda mind fuck. was embodying essence of crls too much for positive mental health. i was like, indie rock is dum, NY is dum, and so is PDX. but i was just feelin cranky coz i realized there's no point in going to a show if you're not 7 feet tall. but it felt kinda canned. i wants some punks rock. check out Death from detroit, srsly. fuckin awesome. will be at that fest in austin in Nov! rlllly sick. k ttys!!!